People always ask us why we come here. Why do we have this place up on a Mountain? What do we do there?
I think, in essence, they really want to know who we are.
Who are these people, this anomaly of a family who goes off
every summer and lives on a mountain? Who are these people who own two homes,
and why, and what does it mean to have a cabin…it sounds either so, Daniel
Boone…or so, big luxurious home in the mountains.
Who are we?
Sometimes I wonder the same thing.
Mostly I start wondering a few months before we go….so much
stuff to do…why in the heck do we need another place? I love our place! I love
Kansas City. I love our home. I love our back yard. I love our neighborhood.
Who are we that we need to travel across the country to go to…a cabin???
Sorting, packing, prepping….that, actually, is the easy part. It’s the
explaining that is hard…having to frequently preface a conversations with,
“We spend summers in Montana.”
“We are the family that isn’t here in the summer because we spend summers in Montana.”
“I would prefer not
to do the year contract because…well, we just aren’t here all year.” ARgggghhh.
I went to the woods because I
wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow
of life, to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die
discover that I had not lived. – Henry David Thoreau
Every time we do something I remember that it is a deposit into the cache of Montana memories. It is a rich gift. A place that is as forever, it will go from generation to generation…it is as much forever as we can touch or make in this life. It is for them and their children, and their children’s children…it is for the future, it is for the here and now, it is the quiet, it is the calm, it is the beauty…it is our place, it is our peace, God’s Peace.