Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Worst Day - Part Two: Absolution

If you read my last post, The Worst Day, there were probably several things that were evident to you, the reader, that I did not have the clarity of mind or the energy to see on that day…

  • The hospital had our sons best interests at heart and the fact that they kept them there was the best thing that could have happened to us. (Truly, if we had gone home and had things go wrong after we left the hospital then we would have had to re-admit our boys into the hospital into the pediatric ward…not a good scenario)
  • The people that were there to help us…were there to help us. No one meant any harm and they were all trying to do their jobs as best they could, as quickly as they could, to help our boys.
  • Our boys were not in danger, they just needed a little boost…there are a lot of other babies who are born much earlier and have much bigger battles to fight…we were blessed to have babies who had gone 37+ weeks…and blessed to have people to help them make it the rest of the way.
  • They would eventually be “take home babies”
  • Last, but not least,  This was not my fault.

Here are also a few things that you probably didn’t know:

  • I had a wonderful lactation consultant who was in my room every day helping me and encouraging me…she just happened to have a day off when all of this happened. That next morning she sought us out at the special care nursery to encourage and support us once again.
  • The nurses at the special care nursery were just what we needed, they came alongside Scott and I and helped us to be better parents…they taught us so many things in the 5 days that our boys were there AND they treated our boys as if they were their own.
  • Several nurses took the time to explain to me that our boys just needed  little help to feed…because they were born early…and because they were boys…NOT because I did anything wrong. Sigh. It took a few times to hear this…and see it in action as each day went by and the boys developed…but it did sink in…this was not my fault.

The day Scott and I went to pick up David and Jonathan we took just a moment in the parking lot. I don’t know why. It was like, we had been through so much in those past 10 days and it was about to be over…and it was about to begin…and we just sat there for a minute in the car. We’d waited so long…and here it was…we were about to go upstairs and take our boys home. Finally. Take home babies. As we sat there a song came on the radio…Give Thanks…Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy one…Give thanks for He’s given Jesus Christ His Son. And now let the weak say “I am strong” Let the poor say “I am rich” because of what the Lord has done for us, Give thanks.

And we sat there, and we wept…because we were so thankful for the privilege of having those boys…and we rejoiced to take our take home babies…home.

1 comment:

  1. I had a little tear reading this-so glad for you Nanc-
