Monday, August 2, 2010

Getting Unstuck...

One of my favorite things to do is to read new blog is exciting to me to click on a site and find that there is a new title, a new picture...something new to read. And, on the other side, I do not like it when the same old page is displayed day after day after thought is, "Come on people...write something, it only takes a minute!"

Well, first off, I probably have no right to think such a thought, first, because it does take me much longer than a minute and second, because I have not posted anything new for the better part of a year now. So, blog-shame on me...I'll own up to it...I've been stuck.

I guess I can blame perfectionist girl in me again for this one. I always feel like I have to have this perfect thought or stream of thoughts written down in order to share something. And so for a while I didn't have any momentous bloggy type thoughts and then when I did start to get some ideas again I didn't want to start back up with THOSE thoughts. I mean I left you with an impending trip/move to Kansas City and so I must pick up there...what happened? How was the move? What was the adventurous new undertaking like?

And there were some ideas...but then who wants to post a picture of the new house in the winter with all the dead looking trees and the snow? And there was some major moving in busyness...and who wants to blog when there is no time to blog? So, I waited for things to calm down and I waited for the perfect stream of thoughts until I realized...I just need to get unstuck. And that isn't going to happen by me chronologically blogging through this past year. It is what it is, lets just pick up and move on...and get unstuck. So here goes...

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see a new house in winter! I do relate to the feeling that unless thoughts are well consructed and well-ordered they will be a shambles. you are brave...xo
